Pandemic Relief Policies Need More Resources, Better Design

SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 1 2021 (IPS) – Pandemic relief measures in developing countries have been limited by modest resources, fear of financial market discipline and policy mimicry. COVID-19 has triggered not only an international public health emergency, but also a global economic crisis, , especially in developing countries.

Struggling to cope
The pandemic’s economic and social impacts weigh more heavily on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The estimated that the pandemic pushed 119 to 124 million more people into extreme poverty in 2020.

Anis Chowdhury

The Bank also reported disproportionately larger in terms of closures, drops in s…

Bridging the Gap and Crossing the Bridge

Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait

NEW YORK, Jul 9 2021 (IPS) – It may be a challenge, but it is also an absolute necessity: bridging the gap between international law and reality and quickly crossing the bridge to reach all crisis-affected children and youth left furthest behind. Inclusive and equitable quality education is the right of every girl and boy and the objective of Sustainable Development Goal 4.

Yasmine Sherif

In fact, there are multiple challenges to overcome: in 2020, in countries of emergencies and protracted crisis further hit by COVID-19 the United Nations also registered more than , according to the , dated 22 May.

This …

Is Canada Missing out on Leveraging ITMDs in Its Healthcare Plans?

NEW DELHI, India, Aug 31 2021 (IPS) – With elections right round the corner in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently said that a re-elected Liberal government would spend billions in the coming years to hire family doctors. This says, Justin Trudeau promised that the Liberals would spend $3 billion over four years starting in 2022 to hire 7500 family doctors and nurses as well as tax and student loan incentives for health professionals who set up shop in rural or remote communities and also pledges an extra $6 billion to wrestle with wait lists.

Dr. Shafi Bhuiyan

A 2019 states that there were 91,375 physicians in Canada, representing 241 physicians per 100…

What Will it Take to Turn Farmers Toward Climate-Resilient Superfood Millet?

Supermarkets stock both millet and sorghum products, but these are often ignored. Now research has shown the crops have health benefits and are climate resilient. Credit: Ignatius Banda/IPS

Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE , Dec 1 2021 (IPS) – Millet could be Africa’s silver bullet for combating anaemia – and apart from health benefits, it is climate-resilient.

led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) says millet, effectively combating anaemia.
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Iron deficiency affects more than 1.7 billion people globally, . Undernutrition among children has led to stunted growth and anaemia, say…

Endgame for Polio in Pakistan

The campaign to eradicate polio in Pakistan has reached a critical milestone, with no cases reported for a year

A young child being given polio drops in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pakistan recently reported that it had been a year since the last case of polio was detected. Credit: EOC KP

KARACHI, Feb 2 2022 (IPS) – “It was like a heavy burden had been lifted, and I could breathe easier,” said Irum Khan, a polio worker, recalling the cloudy, gloomy, winter morning of January 28, 2022, when her supervisor announced Pakistan had not reported a single case of a child afflicted with polio sin…

We Must Do More to Remove People’s Negative Image of Leprosy from their DNA – Yohei Sasakawa

WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination Yohei Sasakawa with Mother Theresa of Calcutta in the early years of a campaign to eliminate leprosy and eradicate stigma from those affected by it. Sasakawa has turned this into his life’s work and, speaking at a webinar in support of the ‘Don’t Forget Leprosy’ campaign recalled how people affected by leprosy continue to be marginalized. Credit: Joyce Chimbi

Nairobi, Kenya, Mar 25 2022 (IPS) – On a visit to Indonesia’s Papua Province, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination Yohei Sasakawa had dinner with a man forced from his village and living alone …

A Demographic Snapshot of the Philippines: One Step Forward, a Half Step Back

Former President Rodrigo Duterte (on screens) of the Philippines addresses the UN General Assembly’s 76th session last year. Credit: UN Photo/Cia Pak

DAVAO CITY, Philippines, Aug 3 2022 (IPS) – With the national election and transfer of power in the Philippines from outgoing President Duterte to incoming President Marcos Jr. in July 2022, it seems an appropriate time to briefly take stock of the country’s current demographic situation, as well as recent related developments.

According to the biennial global estimates and projections of world population issued by the United Nations Population Division in 2022, the Philippines population climbed to …

UN Needs a Sea Change in its Handling of Sexual Exploitation & Abuse (SEA)

An art exhibition in Juba, supported by the UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), seeks to educate people about gender and sexual based violence. Credit: UNMISS/Nektarios Markogiannis

NEW YORK, Nov 8 2022 (IPS) – Calling it “so disappointing and disheartening” in social media on 17 October, Dr. Rosie James, a British medical expert, announced that “I was sexually assaulted by a World Health Organization (WHO) staff tonight at the World Health Summit.”

WHO, as we all know, is a part of the UN system of entities. She went to emphasize that “This was not the first time in the global health sphere that this has occurred (for MANY of us).”

Dr. J…

Research Uncovers Cheaper Diagnostic Tools For Chronic Hepatitis B in Africa

Patients in Africa often cannot access treatment as per the WHO hepatitis B guidelines. Now researchers have found a way to improve the diagnosis and care of people living with hepatitis B. Credit: Charles Mpaka/IPS

Patients in Africa often cannot access treatment as per the WHO hepatitis B guidelines. Now researchers have found a way to improve the diagnosis and care of people living with hepatitis B. Credit: Charles Mpaka/IPS

BLANTYRE, Mar 2 2023 (IPS) – Researchers have found that cheaper and more accessible blood testing methods can improve the care of patients with chronic hepatitis B in Africa.

In a study published in , the researchers recommend revising the cur…

‘Aid Organizations Must Include the Youth Voice’ August 12, 2022—International Youth Day

NEW YORK, Aug 12 2022 (IPS) – Today marks , a global celebration of the transformative power of young people. Introduced by the United Nations General Assembly in 1999, the event was inaugurated not only to observe the power of the youth voice, but to serve as a promise from those in power to activate the power of youth across the development sector.

Yasmine Sherif

Since then, the United Nations appointed a Youth Envoy, dedicated to the diffusion of the day’s promise, and many aid organizations have followed suit by including the voices of young people in social media campaigns, high-level events, and stakeholder forums.

In 2021, Education Cannot Wait (), t…