Retinitis pigmentosa(RP) is a sensitive and challenging visual complication. It is a visual genetic disorder that gradually leads to vision loss. RP is the result of progressive degeneration of the light-sensitive retinal cells known as rods and cones. The rods which are responsible for your night and side vision get affected earlier during the disease progression. Later as the disease progresses, cones that are responsible for your color vision and detailing get affected.
It is a bilateral disorder that is inherited from parents to their offspring and generally affects both the eyes. Around 1.5 million people across the world are suffering from RP.
Causes Of Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis pigmentosa is a genetic disorder and involves more than 50 genes, some of which are responsible for the structure and functioning of the retina of the eyes. In research, it has been found that mutation in these genes affects the normal functioning of rods and cones of the retina, which in turn results in progressive damage of the retina leading to blindness. In addition, researchers have discovered that the following are the types of retinitis pigmentosa which are linked to certain mutated genes and often inherited from parents to their children:
X- linked retinitis pigmentosa
Autosomal retinitis pigmentosa
Autosomal retinitis pigmentosa
Though retinitis pigmentosa is a genetic disorder, the following are some risk factors that may increase your chances of getting the disease:
Increased age
Family history of retinitis pigmentosa
High blood pressure
However, if you face difficulty in attaining erections and take vidalista 60 pills to cure your erections, it may worsen your RP. Inability to have an erection is the common problem faced by most men worldwide, and for treating it, most of them are taking pills like vidalista 60.
is an oral pill prescribed by most doctors to help a man regain his erections. Vidalista 60 contains tadalafil which is a PDE5 inhibitor and leads to an erection by boosting the blood supply to the penis.
Symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa don t appear in the beginning. They appear gradually. Hence its diagnosis becomes problematic in the early stage, further worsening the situation. Most RP patients lose most of their vision till they reach early adulthood, and by the age of 40, they get completely blind or declared legally blind.
As RP affects your rods first, therefore, the very first symptom of RP is night blindness, where you find difficulty in adjusting to dark light after being exposed to bright light. As the disease progresses and your rods continue to degenerate, you may start losing your peripheral or side vision.
With the progressive degeneration of your sight, you may get tunnel vision where you cannot see the objects to your sides without turning your head.
At the advanced stage of the disease, when your cones start degenerating, you may be unable to see the colors or perform any work requiring detailing.
Some people may find bright light irritating and uncomfortable.
Though the progression of retinitis pigmentosa can t be stopped suddenly, it can be slowed down by adopting the following preventive measures:
Quitting smoking
Exercising daily
Maintaining a healthy body weight.
Managing blood pressure and blood sugar levels
Taking a healthy diet. Diet rich in vitamin E,
Vitamin A,omega-3 fatty acids, lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants, and fiber-rich foods can slow down the progression of the disease. If you have RP, then avoid consuming saturated fatty foods, processed foods, and trans fats. Include green veggies, lean proteins, low-fat dairy products, and nuts.
Limiting your screen time
Eye exercises improve the blood flow in the eyes and retain their existing functionality.
Taking extra care of your eyes while doing sports and various activities that can harm your eyes
Use sunglasses while going outside during hot sunny days to protect your eyes from harsh sun rays. UV rays of the sun are of two types: UV-A and UV-B. Among them, UV-A may damage the macula part of your retina, which boosts the deterioration of the retinal cells. So RP patients should protect their eyes from getting damaged by harmful sun rays.
Retinitis pigmentosa can t be reversed or treated completely. Unfortunately, there is no treatment available for treating the disease, however, some experts suggest that the following options will help in slowing down the progression of the disease and may help in restoring some of your lost vision:
Vitamin A Palmitate Vitamin A palmitate is found to slow down the progression of certain RP forms.
Acetazolamide It can help in reducing the swelling in the macula region of the retina and help in improving your vision.
Retinal Implant In the advanced stage, when nothing works, the retinal implant is done to preserve your partial sight.
Besides rods and cones, some types of RP can affect other parts of the eyes and may lead to other complications like:
Macular Edema
Due to RP, fluid may get accumulated in the central part of the retina known as macula and lead to cystoid macular edema.
As a result of retinitis pigmentosa, your eye lenses may also get cloudy resulting in cataracts.
Both the above conditions affect your vision and may lead to blindness if left untreated.
However, taking pills like vidalista 60 while having RP may worsen all these situations. People having RP have a deficiency of the enzyme PDE6, which aids in vision. is a PDE5 inhibitor that, along with the PDE5 enzyme, also inhibits the PDE6 enzyme. This vidalista 60 may further decrease the concentration of the PDE6 enzyme making the condition worse. So it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking vidalista 60 while having RP.
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