HEALTH: Progress Towards WHO Pact on Tobacco Smuggling

Gustavo Capdevila

GENEVA, Oct 27 2008 (IPS) – A draft protocol to eliminate all forms of illicit trade in tobacco products, such as contraband, illegal manufacturing and counterfeit cigarettes, has been outlined at the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The second meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body in charge of drafting the protocol, which ended on Saturday, debated the possibility of creating a group of experts to review certain initiatives, including the feasibility of an international system for monitoring and tracking tobacco products.

The system must have international standards and be appropriate for low- and middle-income countries, said Eduardo Bianco, a Uruguayan doctor and the Latin American head of the Framework Convention Alliance on Tobacco C…

PERU: Environmental Crime Doesn’t Pay

Milagros Salazar* – Tierramérica

LIMA, Jan 27 2011 (IPS) – A legislative bill in Peru aims to channel the fines for environmental crimes to repair the damages to rivers, soils and other public goods that directly affect the population. Until now, the fines collected have ended up elsewhere in the government.
Caudalosa workers clean up mining tailings in the Opamayo River. Credit: Milagros Salazar/IPS

Caudalosa workers clean up mining tailings in the Opamayo River. Credit: Milagros Salazar/IPS

The money would have to go to the area where the offence occurred. That s common se…