Multilateral Bank Intermediation Must Help Developing Countries’ Recovery

SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 2020 (IPS) – International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva has that developing countries would need more than the US$2.5 trillion to provide relief to affected families and businesses and expedite economic recovery.

Anis Chowdhury

With their limited fiscal capacities, developing countries will need to borrow more, increasing their often already high public . Developing country debt has grown rapidly since the 2008-2009 global financial crisis (GFC), reaching historical highs even before the pandemic.

A deep pandemic induced depression may also require governments to take over huge private debt liab…

The Triple Humanitarian Crisis and Why Kenya Deserves An A + in its Response

2020 was a particularly difficult year for Kenya. A triple crisis, coming on the heels of a protracted period of droughts, a cholera epidemic and not to underestimate the spectre of cross-border terror attacks, which dented one of Kenya’s biggest foreign exchange earners-tourism

The triple humanitarian crisis. Photo Credits from left and in clockwise direction-UN Habitat, Kenya Red Cross and FAO Kenya.

NAIROBI, Kenya, Oct 1 2020 (IPS) – The United Nations Deputy Secretary General, Ms Amina Mohammed recently commended “”.

On Monday, 28 September 2020, the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta hosted a national conference on COVID 19. I was invited to s…

How Africa can Lead the World in the COVID-19 Recovery

Kundhavi Kadiresan is Managing Director, Global Engagement and Innovation, CGIAR System Organization. CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research) is a global partnership that unites international organizations engaged in research about food security.

A mother homeschools her children in Shamva district, Zimbabwe, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 10,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Africa; Zimbabwe and South Sudan among most vulnerable. Credit: WFP/Tatenda Macheka

WASHINGTON DC, Dec 18 2020 (IPS) – Africa, compared to Asia, Europe and the US, has largely escaped the devastating death toll of COVID-19, accounting for a fraction of …

A Grey Cloud Over Lebanon: Mental Health Burdens

The economic collapse, the COVID-19 pandemic and the devastating explosion in Beirut: for the past year Lebanon has seen challenges which have resulted in an utter state of hopelessness and rapid deterioration in mental health of many of its citizens

Beirut, Lebanon; Tuesday, September 1st, 2020. Credit: Photojournalist Rahib Yassine

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Feb 1 2021 (IPS) – Humankind is no stranger to the destabilizing events of 2020. The state of the global economy and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic hit the headlines. In this ever escalating global crisis, Lebanon, has been facing what can only be described as unimaginable hardships. For the past year the c…

Drug Users Often Do Not Seek Help Because They Fear Legal Repercussion

APIA, Samoa, Mar 8 2021 (IPS) – In the February 12th editorial on the issue of illicit drug use, the Samoa Observer stated that “… there is no data currently available to show that drug abuse including meth consumption levels in Samoa have reached crisis levels, which would warrant the government considering decriminalizing drug use and consumption.” The United Nation’s position on this is clear, we must not sit by and wait for a problem to blight our communities before acting. The evidence shows that it is cheaper and more effective to prevent drug use than to deal with the consequences. To be clear, my concerns are for the drug users and their families and not for the criminal dealers.

Pandemic Relief Policies Need More Resources, Better Design

SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 1 2021 (IPS) – Pandemic relief measures in developing countries have been limited by modest resources, fear of financial market discipline and policy mimicry. COVID-19 has triggered not only an international public health emergency, but also a global economic crisis, , especially in developing countries.

Struggling to cope
The pandemic’s economic and social impacts weigh more heavily on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The estimated that the pandemic pushed 119 to 124 million more people into extreme poverty in 2020.

Anis Chowdhury

The Bank also reported disproportionately larger in terms of closures, drops in s…

Bridging the Gap and Crossing the Bridge

Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait

NEW YORK, Jul 9 2021 (IPS) – It may be a challenge, but it is also an absolute necessity: bridging the gap between international law and reality and quickly crossing the bridge to reach all crisis-affected children and youth left furthest behind. Inclusive and equitable quality education is the right of every girl and boy and the objective of Sustainable Development Goal 4.

Yasmine Sherif

In fact, there are multiple challenges to overcome: in 2020, in countries of emergencies and protracted crisis further hit by COVID-19 the United Nations also registered more than , according to the , dated 22 May.

This …

Is Canada Missing out on Leveraging ITMDs in Its Healthcare Plans?

NEW DELHI, India, Aug 31 2021 (IPS) – With elections right round the corner in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently said that a re-elected Liberal government would spend billions in the coming years to hire family doctors. This says, Justin Trudeau promised that the Liberals would spend $3 billion over four years starting in 2022 to hire 7500 family doctors and nurses as well as tax and student loan incentives for health professionals who set up shop in rural or remote communities and also pledges an extra $6 billion to wrestle with wait lists.

Dr. Shafi Bhuiyan

A 2019 states that there were 91,375 physicians in Canada, representing 241 physicians per 100…

What Will it Take to Turn Farmers Toward Climate-Resilient Superfood Millet?

Supermarkets stock both millet and sorghum products, but these are often ignored. Now research has shown the crops have health benefits and are climate resilient. Credit: Ignatius Banda/IPS

Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE , Dec 1 2021 (IPS) – Millet could be Africa’s silver bullet for combating anaemia – and apart from health benefits, it is climate-resilient.

led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) says millet, effectively combating anaemia.
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Endgame for Polio in Pakistan

The campaign to eradicate polio in Pakistan has reached a critical milestone, with no cases reported for a year

A young child being given polio drops in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pakistan recently reported that it had been a year since the last case of polio was detected. Credit: EOC KP

KARACHI, Feb 2 2022 (IPS) – “It was like a heavy burden had been lifted, and I could breathe easier,” said Irum Khan, a polio worker, recalling the cloudy, gloomy, winter morning of January 28, 2022, when her supervisor announced Pakistan had not reported a single case of a child afflicted with polio sin…